Dental Anesthesia Options for Tooth Extraction
Tooth extractions in Baltimore, MD, are usually never a pleasant procedure for almost anyone. Understandably so, because we all hope to have our teeth “till death do us part.” But at times, the much-dreaded procedure is necessary, especially if your oral health is in jeopardy. Tooth extractions are necessary if you have severe tooth decay, impacted teeth, and overcrowded teeth.
But we all know tooth extractions are invasive procedures that must be done under anesthesia. If done without anesthesia, you will not even complete the procedure! Therefore, you will need anesthesia to ensure the procedure is pain-free and comfortable. You might need sedation if you have any form of dental anxiety.
In any case, let’s check out the types of dental anesthesia that can be used for tooth extractions.
Understanding Anesthesia
In a nutshell, anesthesia refers to a lack of sensation, which could be without or with consciousness.
Due to the advanced dental technology, you will have several options that will help achieve the same effect. Our dentist in Baltimore, MD, can combine medications for a better effect.
The type of anesthesia you will use will be determined by several factors such as age, health condition, adverse reactions to anesthesia in the past, and the length of the procedure.
Anesthetics will work differently depending on the drug used and how it is administered. They can be short-acting if applied directly to the area being worked on or can work longer when more surgery is required.
The efficacy of anesthetics will depend on the following:
- The area being worked on
- The procedure
- The drug
- Individual factors
The timing of the procedure can also affect the efficacy of the anesthetics. If you have inflammation, the anesthetics may be less successful.
Another scenario that might affect the success of local anesthesia is the location. The teeth in the upper jaw are much easier to anesthetize than the lower jaw.
Types of Anesthesia
Here are the types of anesthesia that our dentist might use during tooth extractions near you:
- Local Anesthesia
Local anesthesia is the most common form of anesthetic used. It is the most preferred option when our dentist wants to deal with simple procedures such as cavity-filling and simple tooth extractions. This is because the procedures take shorter to complete and aren’t generally complicated.
You can communicate with our dentist even after administering the local anesthetic. The area will be numb so that you will not feel any pain.
It will take about 10 minutes for the local anesthetic to take effect, and the effects will last about half an hour to an hour. Our dentist will sometimes use a vasopressor to increase the effect of the anesthetic and prevent it from spreading to other areas of the body.
- Nitrous Oxide With Local Anesthetic
Our dentist might add some light sedation to help you relax if you have dental anxiety. So, our dentist will mix nitrous oxide with an analgesic (pain-controlling drug) and is administered via a mask that is placed on the nose. You might remain conscious but in a relaxed condition.
- Office-Based General Anesthesia
General anesthesia is the best option for longer procedures or if you have a severe dental phobia that might interfere with your treatment.
In this case, our dentist will administer the anesthetic either via a mask or intravenously. Our dentist will determine the level of anesthesia since it varies from patient to patient.
When the anesthetic kicks in, you will be completely unconscious, not be in pain, and your muscles will be relaxed.
General anesthesia can also be a good idea when local anesthesia is ineffective when numbing the surgical site, which is usually the case if there is an infection.
General anesthesia is a bit more complicated and might come with certain risks, and that’s why it is only performed by anesthesiologists or oral surgeons who have completed three months of hospital-based anesthesia training.
We Are Here for You
We are always concerned about your comfort and safety, so if you have any concerns about any anesthesia, don’t hesitate to talk to us. We need to know your concerns so that we may tailor-make your experience.
You can always reach out to our dentist in Baltimore, MD, at Canton Crossing Dental, and we would love to help you.