Dental Fillings: Excellent Restorations for Permanently Damaged Teeth

Dental Fillings: Excellent Restorations for Permanently Damaged Teeth

Apr 01, 2021

When you develop cavities in your teeth from tooth decay, the damage created by the pollution is permanent. Your body doesn’t have any inbuilt mechanism to repair your teeth. The optimal method to restore your teeth is to contact the best dentist in Baltimore seeking the dental fillings procedure. The thought of getting dental fillings brings to your mind several questions, prime among them being how long do dental fillings last?

When you have cavities on your teeth, your concerns must aim to have the teeth restored in the best way possible without worrying about how long the fillings will last. Different types of dental filling material are available, and their lifespan varies from five to 25 years. If you choose to have gold fillings on your teeth, spending a substantial sum, you can expect the restoration to last for 15 to 25 years. Should you decide on composite resin fillings to match your neighboring teeth’ aesthetic appearance, the fillers have a lifespan of five to seven years. Therefore the better option is to visit the dentist in Canton, MD, to determine which fillings are optimal for your needs.

How Did You Allow Cavities to Develop on Your Teeth?

That you have cavities on your teeth is apparent that you neglected appropriate oral hygiene practices along with frequent visits to your pediatric dentist Baltimore for cleanings and checkups. You allowed tooth decay to fester in your mouth unhindered using inappropriate brushing and flossing techniques.

The plaque buildup on your teeth and gums is full of bacteria continually working to feast on the sugary and starchy foods you have and deposit toxins on your teeth. The toxins weaken your tooth enamel, allowing the bacteria to penetrate your tooth and continue working until they reach the tooth’s soft center, housing the blood vessels and nerves. Leave the cavity untreated, and you need more than just a filling. Eventually, the hole requires root canal therapy and restoration with a dental crown which is considerably expensive than dental fillings.

Is the Dental Filling Procedure Intensive?

The dental filling procedure is as intensive as you can imagine. Dentistry techniques have advanced over time, and so has anesthesia. It would help if you underwent dentists’ methods along with anesthesia to have your tooth or teeth restored.

Fortunately, dentists understand your anxiety when you approach them to have dental cavities restored. They make every effort to ensure you are comfortable during the procedure. Initially, the dentist near you examines your tooth or teeth to determine the extent of the decay. After that, you receive local anesthesia to numb the affected teeth or tooth extraction near me.

After entirely numbing your tooth or teeth, the dentist begins drilling the cavity to remove the rot. The hollow space is cleaned and disinfected before preparing it for the dental filling. The dentist finally fills the tooth with the material you have chosen or discussed with the dentist after considering the cavity’s location, the extent of the decay, and aesthetic preferences. The dental filling procedure is accomplished by the dentist in approximately 60 minutes or less, leaving your tooth restored and functional.

What Kind of Filling Material Can You Have?

The filling material you can have depends on various factors such as the location of the cavity, its extent, aesthetic preferences, budget, et cetera. The optimal way to choose the filling material is to discuss your options with the dentist providing the best solutions. You undoubtedly have a say in the filling material recommended. Still, you will do well to go with the dentist’s advice because they consider all factors mentioned above before suggesting any material.

If you have cavities on your front teeth, your cause is better served by having composite resin fillings match your surrounding teeth’ color. Composite resin fillings are expensive and not as durable as other varieties. However, if you are conscious about aesthetic appearance, this material is best for your front teeth.

On the other hand, if your cavities are located on your molars, your dentist recommends gold or silver amalgam fillings. Both varieties are durable and last for five to 25 years. You may even have composite resin fillings on your molars, but you must remember they need replacements frequently because they cannot withstand the back teeth’ chewing pressures.

You can have the filling material of your choice so long as it suits your budget. However, the options are limited on whether you should have the permanent damage to your teeth restored or not. You can either use dental fillings to fix the damage or prepare yourself to have the tooth extracted and seek artificial replacements.

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