What Procedures Fall Under Endodontics?

What Procedures Fall Under Endodontics?

May 01, 2022

Endodontic procedures include every dental treatment involving the inner tissues of your teeth, otherwise termed the nerve or pulp. This word endodontic is derived from ‘endo,’ meaning inside, and ‘odont’ meaning tooth. Every dentist undergoes training to diagnose an endodontic procedure, but some teeth can be a little complicated to be diagnosed or treat. That’s when an endodontic specialist might be needed.

An endodontist usually performs endodontic procedures to remove infection and save your teeth. This article will help us understand the types of endodontic procedures and what they entail.

Types of Endodontic Procedures

Some of the common endodontic procedures include:

  • Root Canal

Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure that saves a tooth that otherwise needs to be removed. This treatment is necessary when your pulp of the canals holding your pulp is infected or inflamed. The infection is caused mainly by fractures or cracks, cavities, injuries, or repeated dental treatment.

If not treated, the infection or inflammation can cause discomfort, an abscess, and eventually tooth loss. The symptoms that may vary from one individual to another include recurrent throbbing pain, tooth discoloration, tooth sensitivity, gum swelling, or a feeling of tenderness inside the bone.

These symptoms are not always noticeable sometimes. X-rays may be taken to diagnose. If your dentist observes the above signs, they may recommend a root canal procedure to clear the infection, alleviate pain and save the tooth.

The root canal treatment processes involve removing the infected pulp, cleaning the root canals, and sealing them. This procedure is performed under anesthesia, therefore, you won’t feel any pain. However, your dentist will ensure that you feel comfortable before starting the treatment.

A root canal requires a single dental appointment, but it could require more depending on your condition. Once the treatment is done, the dentist will make a dental impression of your teeth to create a dental crown to protect the treated tooth.

  • Endodontic Retreatment

When the tooth has undergone endodontic treatment fails to heal, or the pain continues, the tooth must be maintained with a second endodontic treatment. Root canal retreatment is completed in two appointments, but the number of appointments can depend on an individual’s case.

Retreating a tooth that has already undergone a root canal is more complicated than the initial treatment. This is because the trot canal material has to be removed and the materials placed on the canals, such as the posts. In addition, the previous root canal-treated teeth often have obstructions that may need to be removed to clean the root canal system. This obstruction includes separated instruments, calcifications, ledges, or difficult-to-remove filling materials.

Spreading the treatment over two appointments gives your dentist enough time to treat your tooth while keeping you comfortable. At your first appointment, your dentist will place a medicated paste in your tooth’s root, which actively disinfects the tooth even when you are not in the dentist’s chair. The medication must be replaced over multiple visits to control inflammation and infection associated with your tooth.

  • Apicoectomy (Surgical Endodontics)

In most cases, the root canal is always enough to save an infected or inflamed tooth from removal. However, at other times, it may not be sufficient to heal your tooth and the surrounding tissues. In such cases, a surgical, dental procedure known as apicoectomy will be needed to save your tooth.

During the procedure, your endodontist makes an incision in your gum tissue to reveal the jawbone underneath. A tiny opening is then made in the jawbone right on the tip of your tooth’s root to expose the infected area. The dentist will then remove the infected tissue, clean the tip of the root, and seal your root with a dental fillings. Lastly, your dentist near you will use sutures to hold your hum in position.

This procedure is typically done under anesthesia to numb the pain and make you comfortable. You will need to schedule the next appointment to remove the sutures. Your dentist will also check if your gums are healing properly. When the none full;y heals, the patient will stop experiencing any symptoms.

Where can You Find Endodontic Treatment in Baltimore, MD?

Are you looking for a dental practice that offers endodontics near you? Canton Crossing Dental is one of the dentistries that provides the mentioned above endodontic procedures.

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